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Programs : Program Search (results)

Following is the list of programs based on the search criteria. Click any program name to view details or to apply.
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Program search results
Program search results
Program Name City Country  Region Save/Share
CSULB Faculty-Led HIST 304: History of the Holocaust (Professor Jeff Blutinger) Vienna Austria Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led ART 499S: Special Studies in Graphic Design (Professor Tor Hovind Vienna Austria Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led MUS 491: Writing About Music (Professor Shanon Zusman) Salzburg Austria Europe
Vienna Austria Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led FSCI 490: Distilling and Brewing Technology in Barbados (Professor Cheryl Rock) Bridgetown Barbados West Indies
CSULB Faculty-Led CRJU 230+440/440+490: Comparative Forensic Sciences (Professor John Wang Vancouver Canada North America
CSULB Faculty-Led CHIN 311/AAAS 311: Advanced Spoken Chinese (Professor Haiping Wu) Shanghai China Asia
CSULB Faculty-Led HIST 304: History of the Holocaust (Professor Jeff Blutinger) Prague Czech Republic Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led ART 499S: Special Studies in Graphic Design (Professor Tor Hovind Prague Czech Republic Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led COMM 330: Intercultural Communication (Professor Mary McPherson) Copenhagen Denmark Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led MAE 491: Special Problems (Robotics) (Professor Emel Demircan) Montpellier France Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led FMD 490 Paris Summer Fashion Study Abroad (Professor Marine Aghekyan) Paris France Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led CINE 490: Hamburg Audio Workshop (Professor Ben Huff) Hamburg Germany Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led SW 590: Social Work Policy and Practice in Germany (Professor Nancy Meyer-Adams) Berlin Germany Europe
Hamburg Germany Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led GBA 690: International Summer Study Trip (Professor TBA) Munich Germany Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led IB 494B: Special Topics Short Term Study Abroad (HAW) (Professor Mona Zanhour) Hamburg Germany Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led HIST 304: History of the Holocaust (Professor Jeff Blutinger) Berlin Germany Europe
Dresden Germany Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led CLSC 310/HIST 310: The Greek World (Professor Jessica Brooks) Athens Greece Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led CLSC 490: Field Practicum in Classical Archaeology (Professor Paul Scotton) Corinth Greece Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led CWL 320: Comic Spirit (Professor Jessica Brooks) Athens Greece Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led HDEV 405: Latin American Childhoods (Professor Lauren Heidbrink) Guatemala City Guatemala Central America
CSULB Faculty-Led ART 483: Advanced Life Painting (Professor Yulia Gasio) Dublin Ireland Europe
Dundalk Ireland Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led L/ST 471: History/Social Science Content for Elementary Classrooms (Professor Hollie Schillig) Dublin Ireland Europe
Galway Ireland Europe
Limerick Ireland Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led CDFS 450: The Reggio Emilia Approach and Inquiry-Based Learning (Professor Youngok Jung) Reggio Emilia Italy Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led FMD 490: Made in Italy—a journey through Italian excellence! (Professor Marine Aghekyan) Florence Italy Europe
Milano Italy Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led HIST 312: The Roman World (Professor Mik Larsen) Rome Italy Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led CINE 392: Film Festival and World Cinema (Professor Andrew Pearson) Bologna Italy Europe
Rome Italy Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led CWL 320: Comic Spirit and CWL 451: Film and Novel (Professor Pravina Cooper) Florence Italy Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led MAE 322: Engineering Materials and Processes (Professor Shamim Mirza) Tokyo Japan Asia
CSULB Faculty-Led IB 494A: Short Term Study Abroad—SS (CSULB Faculty-Led Study Abroad--Hieu Nguyen) Osaka Japan Asia
Tokyo Japan Asia
CSULB Faculty-Led HM 490: Special Topics: Cruise Ship Managment (Professor Brianna Koster) Cabo San Lucas Mexico Central America
Mazatlan Mexico Central America
Puerto Vallarta Mexico Central America
CSULB Faculty-Led SOC 342: Critical Criminology (Professor Jan Haldipur) Amsterdam Netherlands Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led COMM 330: Intercultural Communication (Professor Mary McPherson) Oslo Norway Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led ART 499S: Special Studies in Graphic Design (Professor Tor Hovind Warsaw Poland Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led HIST 304: History of the Holocaust (Professor Jeff Blutinger) Krakow Poland Europe
Lublin Poland Europe
Warsaw Poland Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led DANC 373: Nonverbal Communication: Interaction of Mind and Body (Professor Zakiya Atkinson) Cape Town South Africa Africa
CSULB Faculty-Led HSC 468: Emerging Technology for Public Health (Professor Brian Kwan) Seoul South Korea Asia
CSULB Faculty-Led PSY 351: Social Psychology (Professor Alexandrea Park) Seoul South Korea Asia
CSULB Summer Dankook University Seoul South Korea Asia
CSULB Summer Online Kyungpook National University (KNU) Daegu South Korea Asia
CSULB Faculty-Led UHP 300: Junior Colloquium (Professor Sandra Perez) Barcelona Spain Europe
Granada Spain Europe
Valencia Spain Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led GBA 494B: Short Term Study Abroad Europe (Professor TBA) Barcelona Spain Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led COMM 330: Intercultural Communication (Professor Mary McPherson) Stockholm Sweden Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led CHIN 390: Topics in Chinese Language and Culture Studies (Professor Xiaowen Wu) Taipei Taiwan Asia
CSULB Faculty-Led L/ST 471: History/Social Science Content for Elementary Classrooms (Professor Hollie Schillig) Belfast United Kingdom Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led L/ST 404: Arts Capstone (Professor Victoria Bryan) Brighton United Kingdom Europe
London United Kingdom Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led NRSG 456: Health Care Delivery Systems and Nursing Leadership (Professor Debra Windle) Glasgow United Kingdom Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led MUS 468: Music and Film (Professor Aaron Fruchtman) London United Kingdom Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led HIST 351: Medieval England (Professor Andrew Fogelman Canterbury United Kingdom Europe
CSULB Faculty-Led CRJU 403: Comparative Criminal Justice and Transnational Crime OR CRJU 490: Special Topics (Professor Mischelle Van Brakle) London United Kingdom Europe